Do any of you care how many people actually attended the inauguration? I'm going to be totally honest for a minute ... I didn't. I don't. My life is unchanged by the popularity of this inauguration. Yours?
I do take issue that the number in attendance is somehow up for debate. I watched the inauguration live. I wasn't eyeing the size of the crowd, but I saw it. I saw images that reflected what I had seen on live television. I later saw those same images placed side by side with photos of Obama's inauguration. I noticed the differences; I think we all did.
This is where the story should end. It's an unimportant detail. Kind of a petty angle for liberals to take, right? We have this new guy that not everybody loves, and maybe some people took comfort in seeing that he wasn't being completely embraced.
Instead, our new president, speaking directly to us, told us that what we saw was wrong. He told us he had the largest inauguration attendance in history. His press secretary went on to defend this stance, and even suggested that what we were seeing was some sort of an optical illusion. We were told that at Obama's inauguration there was no grass covering - this white covering was in place at Trump's inauguration and was able to acutely showcase gaps in crowds.
Um, except no. Let's say this grass covering scenario is true ... it is problematic in hinting that Americans cannot decipher the difference between grass and human bodies. I'm just gonna say it ... I think we can. Pretty sure that what we saw, was ... not grass, or coverings - but a larger attendance. Which again ... should.not.matter.
So day one, and we are being fed a lie. An absolute, ridiculous, totally unnecessary lie. And then on day two, his senior advisor perpetuates this lie and claims that they have "alternative facts".
So let's move on to the media and the war it is facing. I don't know about you guys, but I don't have feet on the ground in DC, or anywhere else in the world. I don't have direct sources who are able to report back to me what exactly is going on. Except that I kind of do - they live in my tv and on my phone screen. You got me - it's the NEWS!
I'll be first to admit it: There is a bias that exists in the media. I know what I'm gonna get when I go to CNN. I know what to expect when I watch Fox News. Favor, right? And like most Americans, I tune in to the stations that share my opinions. Opinions are what make up the variance and delivery. Opinions, not facts. Facts are not debatable. Facts are facts, whether you like them or not. Facts do not have alternatives. Facts are either true, or false.
Our new president has declared the news is "rigged" or "fake". He says that what is being reported ... is a lie. And yesterday his press secretary, and now his senior advisor - are backing him up. It makes me wonder - are we only to get our news and intel straight from the horse's mouth? Does it bode well for us that the horse is already lying? I hate to say it, but ... neigh.
Erp - grass? Or bodies? I CAN'T TELL. Except that I can. See for yourself.