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And so it goes. The time has come where we will inaugurate a new president into office.

I have learned a lot this last year. About myself. About others. About politics on a whole. But what I am still seeking to learn ... is how to bridge the gap. How to unite. True unity - not like the empty promises our elected officials keep speaking of.

To unite, I have to try and understand you. And you have to try and understand me.

The "If you don't see it my way, unfriend me now." kind of posts on Facebook have really got me thinking. Yes, I continue to be bewildered by certain mindsets. And yes, I am trying to distance myself from people who have opinions and beliefs that I see as hateful. But if I only surround myself with people who think just like me, the "me versus them" mindset just ... continues.

I think America is confused. I think we act as separates. Your hurt is different than my hurt. You lash out at me and I get defensive. I lash out and you get aggressive. I ignore your pain, and you ignore mine. The problem is simple: we are collectively hurting. And to fix it - we have to listen to each other.

The left can be awfully condescending. Arrogant. Holier than thou. Our policies are meant to care for the whole ... That's why they call us bleeding-hearts, right? Well, I think our bloodied organs ought to care about the other side ... and try and reconcile why we don't see eye to eye. We are not "more evolved" than anybody else because our ideals line up on one side ... What we are is unable to grasp why others might not share them.

I'm mad about our new leader. I'm sad. I am a multitude of feelings - none of which are of the good variety. And while I can't undo what's been done (but oooh girl, did I try my damndest to prevent it from happening) - I plan to be a bridge. I plan to listen. I will try so so hard, to unite. To hear a fresh perspective and try it on. And to offer you something to try on, too.

Tomorrow we get a new guy - and while I shiver to the core at the idea of him being my leader - I will take the start of his tenure as a new beginning. A beginning in doing everything in my power to bridge together what he tries to break apart. I hope you will join me.



BFFFFF: The Sound Of Friendship

BFFFFF: The Sound Of Friendship